Affinis(SDD); the Fully Certified Structured Digital Database Solution


We take great pleasure to announce that, consequent to a detailed and extensive independent review conducted by PCS (Practicing Company Secretary) Affinis(SDD) is now fully certified as compliant.

We hereby certify that the Affinis (SDD) software solution developed by Jonosfero International LLP, and deployed in accordance with the Technological Specifications Document on internally maintained servers by listed companies/ intermediaries/ fiduciaries, is compliant with the regulatory requirements as outlined in Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, read with attendant FAQs issued by SEBI.

– Extract from PCS Certificate

Vide this certification we confirm that the software facilitates maintenance of a Structured Digital Database (SDD) in full compliance with the requirements of the aforementioned regulations #.

Extract from PCS Certificate

#Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, read with attendant FAQs issued by SEBI in relation to the Structured Digital Database.)

Our extensive set of clients using Affinis(SDD) now enjoy the additional benefit of having the first fully certified Structured Digital Database built by risk and regulatory experts and developed in accordance with international best practices.

Certificate in original available for inspection at our Head Office, Lower Parel, Mumbai, MH



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