Articles, posts, insights, opinions, factoids or musings with SEBI

Who Is A Designated Person Under SEBI Guidelines?

Who Is A Designated Person Under SEBI Guidelines?

Designated persons are those connected with the company and reasonably expected to have access to unpublished price-sensitive information or UPSI for that company and comes with several compliance obligations... read on for full details.

UPSI – It May Not Be What You Think

UPSI – It May Not Be What You Think

Trading based on UPSI is Insider Trading at its most basic sense. We know Insider Trading is illegal, but what exactly is UPSI to start with? If it is not important for your job, you may know less than you need.

Trading Window Closure – Why It Matters

Trading Window Closure – Why It Matters

Trading window closure processes are critical to the management of compliances for preventing insider trading. Learn about regulations and frameworks from SEBI.

Who Is A Designated Person Under SEBI Guidelines?

Who Is A Designated Person Under SEBI Guidelines?

Designated persons are those connected with the company and reasonably expected to have access to unpublished price-sensitive information or UPSI for that company and comes with several compliance obligations... read on for full details.

Insider Trading Cases In India

Insider Trading Cases In India

Insider trading - Discover the top 5 Insider Trading Litigations In India; learn about regulatory efforts to combat unethical conduct and breaches of insider trading laws.


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