Manage Board of Directors, Asset-Liability, Audit, Managing or any committee with Affinis(CMM); formation, composition, membership, meetings, notices, voting, actions, minuting and tracking.


Streamline the process of meetings, committee management, and memberships.

Craft and collate agenda with a click, send meeting notices, track status of action centrally for seamless reporting.

Maintain and track minutes of meetings digitally, from drafting to review to finalization.  


A cutting-edge software designed for meeting managers conveners and organisers for seamless, paperless coordination, clear oversight and decisioning, precise controls

Effortless Management of All Committees
Manage Board Meetings as well as all other formal meetings and committees – Whether it is the Audit Committee, Risk Committee, POSH Committee, Asset Liability Committee or an Internal CSR Review Committee.
Paperless Efficiency and Meeting Solutions
Eco-friendly and stress-free records management; save time, cost, effort and the environment with fully digital workflows, from notices to meeting agenda to circulation of draft and final minutes of the meeting.
Agenda Crafting and Management Made Easy
Easily and automatically add and communicate agenda items right up to the last minute. Collate, craft, review, update and communicate meeting agendas with clear delineation amongst agenda items and their impact.
Action Tracking and Management Simplified
Easily trigger, assign, manage & track status of actions. Get ready reports centrally on the status of all actions associated with agenda items. Affinis(CMM) makes the task status reporting process quick & easy.
Track Committee Membership Compliance
Track compliance with membership quotas, independence requirements, executive vs non-executive positions, age requirements, gender specifications and much more. Affinis(CMM) does it all centrally and seamlessly.
Agreement and Engagement without Friction
From committee formation and memberships to notices, agenda, invitations, invitees, attendance, voting, meeting minutes, actionable tasks and status tracking, do it all on one platform centrally and seamlessly.
Meeting Management Platform That Does It All
A unified platform for efficient control and paperless management of all activities related to the functioning of committees and their meetings; from initial notices to agenda to voting to draft and final minutes.
Call to Business, Manage Meetings Centrally
The central hub to schedule, coordinate, convene, intimate, invite, organize, open and run meetings. Organize and manage all types of meetings across committees. Online, offline or hybrid, Affinis has you covered.
Corporate Governance At Peak Efficiency
For effortless corporate compliance and governance, Affinis(CMM) is part of the Affinis suite of corporate compliance & governance apps; integrating seamless across all apps, regardless of order of procurement.
Track Statutory & Member Compliances
Track meetings instances, meeting recurrences, gaps between meetings, meeting agenda flows, member attendance requirements and all other compliances centrally and effortlessly right from within Affinis(CMM).

Attendee/Board Member Benefits

Affinis(CMM) provides an advanced user-centric, stress free and paper free experience in the palm of the hands of attendees and board members – ease participation, agenda and meeting minutes review. From digital voting to ‘always-on’ ready access, members can focus on the meeting agenda.

Meeting Participation at Your Fingertips
Members can actively participate in board meetings with tools at their fingertips for notices, schedules, meeting links or address, agendas, draft and final minutes and all actionables with responsibilities.
Access – Optimised and Managed for You
All committee members can access the information they need but nothing they don’t – with precisely controlled access management, all members have what they need, whenever they need it in a neatly compiled structure.
Controlled or Transparent Voting Option
Voting; live and online. Whether open or closed voting. View results live or in context later. Comment, dissent or discuss. Do it all intuitively, paperlessly and seamlessly based on centrally managed options.
Live Information At Your Fingertips
Get access to all the information you need just when you need it. No more hunting, mailing, flipping searching, calling or going back and forth with open questions creating obstacles to productive meetings.
Your Corporate Structure, Your Role
Get a clear view of your actionables and responsibilities across committees, meetings, agenda items and actions for a truly centralized and seamless experience towards centralized governance and management.
Meeting Agendas – Clear and Present
Members or non-members, multiple persons can contribute creating agenda – from request for inclusion in agenda to crafting of agenda requests for clear, concise agenda management & tracking.
Corporate Governance & Compliance Enhanced
Enhance your corporate governance and compliance; actively enable everyone to contribute centrally; track management of and attendance to meetings for a well-documented and seamlessly managed meeting experience.
Communication References and Attachments
Seamless integration of written text and attachments, including reference material and reports. Cross referenced and linked to agenda, tasks and trackers for easy access, so you don’t get lost flipping pages.
Agree, Approve, Action, Track and Progress
Suggest edits to draft minutes, append and/or answer comments and provide clarifications all centrally within the system as you move from the draft the final stages. Reach agreement quickly, easily seamlessly.
Meeting Contributions Managed Seamlessly
With all information, from ‘Where’ to ‘What’ to ‘When’ to ‘Who’ available on your cellphone, tab or desktop, Affinis(CMM) keeps you prepared and informed for any meeting; your expertise; your time; your convenience.


Committee Minutes & Meetings is Seamless, Comprehensive and Easy

Welcome to a user-friendly and hassle-free meeting experience with Affinis(CMM) – the ultimate solution for your board meeting management needs.

We understand the challenges of coordinating, scheduling, crafting agendas, capturing meeting details, and staying on top of decisions in board meetings. Affinis(CMM) is here to revolutionize your board meeting process, guaranteeing top-notch efficiency, transparency, and an overall hassle-free experience.

Elevate your organizational governance with our user-friendly solution, designed for seamless Meetings Management and enhanced Board Governance. Say goodbye to stress with our Paperless Meeting Solutions, ensuring hassle-free Executive and Committee Meetings. Meeting Automation to make your meetings more robust and effective .

Streamlined Access Control

Empower your organisation with a sophisticated access control system, strategically managing permissions for precise access levels. This ensures the optimal level of access needed for efficient and secure board meeting management. 

Central Hub

The central hub that acts as the command center for all your board meeting management activities, including compliance, scheduling, notices, agenda management, voting, paperless record-keeping, meeting minutes. Seamless. Hassle-free.

Integrated Access System

Enhance the security and user experience of your board meeting management, seamlessly unifying access points for all your board meetings, including Executive and Committee meetings. Integrate with HRMS and implement Single Sign-On to elevate access management.

Streamlined Committees

Streamline your all meetings of all committees effortlessly with Affinis(CMM), simplifying the entire process from committee formation to compliance to meetings to minutes to action tracking; paperless seamless, effortless – for organizers and attendees.

Paperless Meeting Records

Effortlessly capture and manage meeting notes, minutes actions and responsibilities with Affinis(CMM), for seamless review, drafting, editing and finalization, ensuring an organized history for prompt access to accurate discussions, decisions, and action items in board meetings.

Clear Organized Meeting Agendas

Let everyone contribute suggested agenda items, accept and control draft and final agenda, distribute clear, organized meeting agendas with clarity and structure for board meeting or any meeting discussions for extreme efficiency.

Action And Outcome Tracking

Empower your organization with a sophisticated action cum meeting cum compliance cum governance center that surprises you with its depth, detail, intelligent design and access controls thought through for every step of the way. 



Committees, meetings, minutes; everything is in one place; everyone on the same page.

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What kinds of UPSI needs to be captured into the Structured Digital Database?

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prevention of Insider Trading) Regulations 2015 (SEBI Regulations), as amended from time to time, provide indicative guidance. However, simply put, any information transmitted over any channel or media that is not yet made public and has the potential to impact the share price of listed securities must be treated as UPSI. All identified UPSI can be quickly and easily entered into Affinis(SDD).

What is the implication of information being treated as UPSI?

Trading of Shares of a Listed Company using UPSI is strongly prohibited and holds numerous fines and penalties including imprisonment. All flow of UPSI must therefore be logged into a Structured Digital Database like Affinis(SDD).

What if I held UPSI but that was not the reason I traded?

From a regulatory perspective, it may be presumed that if you hold UPSI, your trade is motivated with awareness of UPSI. As such, it is important to log any flow of UPSI into Affinis(SDD) or take approvals for trading via Affinis(ETT).

What is the connection between the aforementioned Structured Digital Database and UPSI?

SEBI has required entities that exchange UPSI to maintain multiple details for each instance of UPSI shared and received on a continuing basis in a ‘Structured Digital Database’ (SDD) like Affinis(SDD). These details include Senders and Recipient Name and Identification Details, Senders and Recipient’s Organizations and Identification Details, Date and Time of Sharing UPSI, the Listed Entity that the UPSI Pertains to and the Nature of UPSI.

What else should I know about the regulatory requirements on maintaining a Structured Digital Database?

Non-maintenance of SDD is considered a contravention of the Insider Trading Regulations, with complete rights to deal with any such contraventions retained by SEBI. Non-maintenance, incomplete maintenance, outsourcing, lack of time stamping, maintenance on alterable media, incomplete or delayed availability of required information etc all considered non-compliance. Affinis(SDD) is a system that would be considered fully compliant with all SEBI requirements.

Where is the data and records in the Structured Digital Database maintained? Can anyone else access the information in Affinis?

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prevention of Insider Trading) Regulations 2015, as amended from time to time, requires that the structured digital database shall not be outsourced and shall be maintained internally with adequate internal controls and checks. In fact, even databases/ servers provided by third party vendors will be considered as outsourced whether within India or outside India. Thus, any Structured Digital Database maintained on, say, Amazon, Google or cloud servers, will be considered as outsourced and therefore prohibited as clarified by the Comprehensive FAQs on SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015. Affinis(SDD) is fully compliant with all SEBI requirements and only authorized people have access to it on your internal systems.

Can I simply upload a pdf of an email containing UPSI into a Structured Digital Database?

No. The obligation is to maintain the Nature of UPSI, not UPSI itself (the later may increase the risk rather than reducing it). A pdf of an email would have the actual UPSI while at the same time it would not be linked to PAN and Entity details of the individual. As such, no uploads are possible other than as provided for in compliance with the requirements. Affinis(SDD) is therefore designed to prevent this and promote secure, quick and easy data entry instead.

Why can we not simply maintain the UPSI and other information in an excel sheet?

The UPSI data is required to be kept recorded by maintaining a structured digital database which provides time stamping and internal controls & checks, a critical one being non-tamperability. These features would not be viable in Microsoft Excel or any other regular spreadsheeting software given the lack of internal controls and checks, lack of audit trail and the high tamperability of data. One of the reasons Affinis(SDD) is considered compliant is because it provides secure audit trails, anti-tamperability and time-stamping.

What additional features are available in Affinis(SDD)’s Prime variant over Core?

In addition to all features of the Core variant, Prime has four major additional features for organizations with more complex needs – (1) Prime enables creation of multiple “Chinese Walls”, permitting different deal teams within the same entity to manage projects privately (Compliance Officer always has access to all information) (2) With Prime, one can seek and record approvals from supervisors for policy maintenance updates (3) Delegatees can seek and record approval from UPSI senders or receivers within Prime before committing entries (not applicable for UPSI entries recorded via email auto-capture) (4) Prime provides additional email notifications, reminders, data intelligence reports as well as UPSI ‘super-grouping’.

What are Gray Lists or Restricted Lists?

A Restricted List is typically refers to a list of stocks that are ineligible for trade, either themselves or via any other person or third party. It does not necessarily imply that they are risky or flawed in any way, but are nonetheless prohibited on account of Personal Account Dealing restrictions or Employee Personal Trading Compliance requirements. Affinis(ETT) enables maintenance of Grey and Restricted Lists logically and easily.

What is a Statement of Holdings in the context of Insider Trading compliances?

A Statement of Holding refers to a summary of all securities held by you in your Demat account as on a particular date. A request to submit the Statement of Holdings can be triggered by the Compliance Officer through Affinis(ETT). Designated Persons can independently login and submit these statements.

What is a Material Financial Relationship?

It typically refers to a relationship in which one person has significant financial dealings in their relationship with another, for example, when he/she is a recipient of any kind of payment (loan or gift) during a specified period immediately preceding and which amount is equivalent to at least a specied fraction of annual income. Relationships in which the payment is based on arm’s length transactions are typically excluded. Based on the rationale applied, Material Financial Relationships can be recorded in Affinis(IDD) by each employee along with rationale if needed.

What is BENPOS?

Benpos or Beneficiary Position is a statement of securities held by a person (who is typically identified by the PAN), as on a particular date and is maintained by Depositories such as CDSL/NSDL independent of the company or the beneficiary. Such statements can be uploaded to Affinis(ETT) for independent verification. Exceptions can be managed or tracked from within Affinis(ETT) itself.

Who is a Designated Person?

Designated Person(s) under the SEBI Prevention of Insider Trading Regulations is an inclusive definition. Illustratively, under the regulations, it includes various persons and roles such as promoters; directors; key managerial personnel; auditors; all employees and support staff of various departments such as Accounts, Finance, Legal, Internal audit, Information technology and Secretarial Department.
It also includes Key Managerial Personnel of the material subsidiary of the Company; Secretaries/EAs reporting to the Directors and the Key Managerial Personnel; all Departmental Heads of the Company as well as employees upto two levels below the Board of Directors of the Company.
In addition, other persons may be identified by the Compliance Officer as well. Affinis(IDD) assists in identifying the list of persons who may potentially qualify as Designated Persons to more logically and formally record and maintain the list. The list of Designated Persons is also used to manage Designated Person compliances. Affinis(IDD) maintains an evidentiary trail of notices of compliance obligations and provides reports as required.


“All images, features and illustrations are for representative purposes only and are subject to change without prior notice including when features and design changes are upgraded or otherwise updated.”